For the second year running Medical Doorway were invited to the Bulgarian Embassy in London for 3rd March celebrations. On this day in 1878, Bulgaria regained its independence after hundreds of years of Ottoman rule. To this day Bulgarians celebrate this day with a national holiday remembering their struggle for independence and to celebrate Bulgaria’s unique culture.
The event at the embassy took a slightly different approach this year. Invited guests were treated to a musical performance of traditional and contemporary Bulgarian music. An exhibition of famous artwork commemorating the battles that led to independence was on display through the embassy building. This included an element from the Pleven Panorama which commemorates the battle that was instrumental in the final defeat of the Ottoman empire in the country.
Artwork from Pleven was on display
Students at Medical University Pleven took a day out of their studies to join hands with the local students and staff at the university. Most took and active part in the different celebrations and activities happening in the town.
British and Bulgarian guests celebrated at the Bulgarian Embassy in London
Being an international medical student is not just about studying your subject. Learning more about the country and culture in which you are now living is one of the best opportunities on offer. Are you interested in studying medicine at Pleven Medical University? Get in touch with Medical Doorway at [email protected] or +44(0)1782898151 and take the first step to your future career in medicine.
Applications for the February 2017 enrolment at Medical University Pleven are now being accepted.
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