Medical Doorway kicked off the July Czech Republic entrance exams with our inaugural entrance examination for Charles University Second Faculty of Medicine. This event marked the start of our exclusive agreement with the Second Faculty of Medicine. Charles University Second Faculty is situated in the Motol Hospital, home to a specialist paediatric medicine department. Along with the sister First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty is one of only a small number of European English programmes recognised by the Medical Board of California.
Vice-Dean and consultant paediatrician Professor Kvetá Blahová and Renata Habětínová (LF2 Study Department) travelled from Prague to conduct the exam. In total thirty-five students sat the entrance examination which was held at Birkbeck University of London. Students sat multiple choice papers in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Logic. Using an anonymous marking scheme the scripts are marked by computer in Prague. Following the exam students were interviewed. The interview entailed an exploration of motivations to study medicine and also posed some ethical dilemmas for students to grapple with. Students explored issues of palliative care, social medicine and arguments for and against euthanasia. This makes the Charles University Second Faculty of Medicine exam a more holistic appraisal of suitability for a career in medicine.
Professor Kvetá Blahová and Renata Habětínová travelled from Charles University Second Faculty of Medicine to conduct the exam.
While most students were from the UK, we welcomed students from India, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand.
Being based in a hospital, Charles University Second Faculty of Medicine offers students early clinical experience. It also enjoys its own dedicated metro station making it easy to reach from any part of Prague.
While the deadline for Second Faculty of Medicine has passed, Medical Doorway is the only agency to still enable you to enrol at Charles University. We are holding an exclusive examination for Charles University Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove on Sunday 27th August. This exam will be held in London for September 2017 admission. Apply now using our central application form and get our exclusive examination preparation programme, pre-departure and in-country support.
Study medicine or dentistry at Charles University with Medical Doorway.
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