Medical Doorway continued our record breaking form by hosting the largest UK entrance exam weekend for Palacky University. The exam in London on Saturday 16th July took place at Birkbeck University of London. Following the London exam, the team moved onto Manchester to host our northern entrance exam.
Palacky University is Medical Doorway’s most established partner in Czech Republic. Our team has already assisted sixty students over the past three years we are looking forward to a record enrolment in 2016.
Over forty five students sat the exams over the two days. Multiple choice papers in Chemistry, Biology and either Maths or Physics are used to determine admission. Following the exam Dr Iva Voborna (Head of Dentistry) conducted a brief interview with all candidates to assess the motivation for their chosen career.
Medical Doorway have an exclusive clearing exam for Palacky University on Saturday August 27th. If you are interested in joining us and experiencing our first class FREE OF CHARGE support when you enrol in Olomouc then don’t delay. Applications for our clearing exam are already being accepted and seats are limited. Fill in our central application form below and apply now!
[maxbutton name=”Czech Medical University Central Application Form”]
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Medical Doorway hosts a series of FREE webinars for students, parents and college counsellors. Sign up and find out how to take your first steps to a career in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine.