Home / News / Palacky University and Medical Doorway set a new record
Medical Doorway and Palacky University were again in record breaking form for the July 2017 entrance exams. Building on the huge success of 2016, our unique partnership ensured we smashed the record of last year. Over sixty students sat exams in London and Manchester. This ensured a productive but exhausting two days for the examiners and the Medical Doorway team. Dr Dana Šimková and Dr Běla Erdösová travelled from Olomouc to invigilate the exams.
The weekend started on Sunday 16th July with a huge exam held at Birkbeck University of London. The two hour thirty minute exam required students to sit papers in Chemistry, Biology and Maths or Physics. An interview with one of the examiners followed. The aspiring doctors and dentists were determined to demonstrate they had the professional attributes to study at Palacky University. Following the London exam the team headed to Manchester for our traditional exam in the North of the UK.
In 2017 we have supported nearly one hundred applicants to Palacky University. For those successful in enrolling in Olomouc the Medical Doorway team will be onsite providing our exceptional in-country support.
If you want to study in Czech Republic, Medical Doorway is the only path left for September enrolment at Charles University and Palacky University. Using our online Central Application Form you can enrol on the August exams. Applicants registering for Charles University in Hradec Kralove examination get to to sit the Palacky University examination free of charge. This gives you two chances to secure an unconditional offer for truly globally ranked and recognised universities. With the changes to UK medical regulation on the horizon it is critical students choose their university carefully.
All applicants get access to our exclusive Czech Test Prep Q-Bank and our evolving online lecture series.
Study Medicine in Czech Republic with Medical Doorway!
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