Ben Ambrose with Palacky University Students
September 2015 brought a record enrolment of medical and dental students at Palacky University in Olomouc. Following a busy year of examinations held all over the world, students enjoyed a week of arrival and induction.
After moving into the university accommodation, students soon found their way around the beautiful Czech town of Olomouc. Olomouc has one of the highest student population densities in Europe and the newly arriving students took no time in setting up their student bank accounts and meeting senior students.
Our welcome reception in Olomouc
The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry is one of Europe’s leading teaching and researching faculties where world class education is combined with state-of-the-art facilities. Students from over forty nations are currently studying in Olomouc. This makes it one of the most popular destinations for those who want to study medicine in Czech Republic.
Medical Doorway are offering more students the chance to study medicine in Olomouc from September 2016. See below for our upcoming exclusive examinations and secure your place at Palacky University in 2016.
Saturday 16th April 2016 – London
Sunday 17th April 2016 – Manchester
Saturday 30th April 2016 – Dublin
Saturday 16th July 2016 – London
Sunday 17th July 2016 – Manchester
Saturday 27th August 2016 – London
Upcoming webinars with Medical Doorway
Medical Doorway hosts a series of FREE webinars for students, parents and college counsellors. Sign up and find out how to take your first steps to a career in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine.