Following the presentation Ben Ambrose counselled students at Riga Stradins University.
Ben Ambrose accepted a special invitation to present at Riga Stradins University in the Latvian capital. This was to update students about the opportunity for developing their medical careers in the USA. This presentation is part of our ongoing commitment to all students (not just those from Medical Doorway) who are looking to advance their careers.
This presentation focused on preparation for the United States Medical Licencing Exams (USMLE). The employment situation in the USA presents a real opportunity for European medical graduates. In 2019, over four-thousand non-US international medical graduates will be commencing posts in US hospitals. In addition, a quarter of medical positions are now staffed by international graduates.
Ben started the presentation by providing an overall context of the current employment situation in the USA. He also laid out the steps required to apply for ECFMG certification. Each of the USMLE steps were discussed and data showed the points students need to achieve to increase the chances of securing the top residencies. The need to plan and prepare well in advance of the exams was the take home message of the day. The USMLE questioning style has evolved over the years and students were able to see current sample questions. This reinforced the point that preparation for exam technique is just as important as ensuring a sound knowledge base.
Medical Doorway is the official representative of Riga Stradins University
Applying for residency in the United States is a complex process but with the right preparation is one that provides world-class training. It also offers significant clinical and financial reward. Fortunately, Medical Doorway collaborates with Kaplan to offer you the opportunity to prepare and succeed in your medical career.
If you are considering sitting the USMLE you can sign up for some free resources to start this journey. The medEssentials for the USMLE Step 1 is an all-in-one Basic Science reference book and you can secure a free e-copy from Medical Doorway.
To see how ready you are for the USMLE you can take a diagnostic test, sample Kaplan’s Q-Bank or experience their on-demand course.
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Prepare for the USMLE with Kaplan and Medical Doorway.
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