On 26th February 2018, Ben Ambrose from Medical Doorway was invited to present at the Royal Society of Medicine. The Medical Careers Day, “So you want to be a doctor?” gave students the chance to find out more about applying to medical school. Being free of any agency service fees, we are the only international education consultant invited to speak at the RSM.
Over three hundred students attended the “So you want to be a doctor?” event.
During the presentation, Ben talked about Medical Doorway’s unique counselling process. The implications of the Medical Licensing Assessment and the dangers of fee charging agents were highlighted to the eager audience. Following this introduction, each of Medical Doorway’s partner
Ben Ambrose (Medical Doorway) delivered the “Study Medicine in Europe” presentation to a packed auditorium.
universities were introduced. Specific questions were asked about Charles University First Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University and Queen Mary University of London (MBBS Malta). Students got the opportunity to watch Medical Doorway’s videos featuring doctors who have begun their NHS careers after graduating in Europe.
A question and answer panel session followed the presentation. Prioritising the highest ranked universities, with established career pathways to the NHS, was agreed by the panel. With the changes to UK medical regulation, students were made aware that not all universities are not equally regarded by NHS employers. Students were all given the opportunity to sign up for MD-Expo 2018 on November 4th. This event is once again being held at the Royal Society of Medicine. MD-Expo gives students and parents the chance to meet European medical faculties face to face. You can already book your tickets HERE.
Medical Doorway are looking forward to returning to the Royal Society of Medicine in June 2018 for the annual career counsellor update ‘The Advisors Perspective’.
Upcoming webinars with Medical Doorway
Medical Doorway hosts a series of FREE webinars for students, parents and college counsellors. Sign up and find out how to take your first steps to a career in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine.
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