Home / News / Online and in-person entrance exams for Palacky University
Every year we assist hundreds of students in applying and enrolling at our world-ranked university partners in The Czech Republic. One of most famous of these is Palacky University in the beautiful town of Olomouc. Palacky University is arguably one of the most popular European medical schools and has been educating doctors and dentists since 1573.
The ultra-modern medical school is renowned for academic excellence and innovation. It is also the alma mater of Dr Bohdan Pomahac, who led the USA’s first full face transplant. It is therefore no surprise that students from across the world seek to secure enrolment at Palacky University. With such high demand from dedicated students, we have responded by providing four pathways to sit the entrance examination in 2021.
Following the developments in the fight against Covid-19 we are planning to re-launch in-person examinations. These are scheduled to take place in London, Hong Kong and New York. Given that the situation is still developing, these exams may move to an online format. However, we are also able to offer online exams for students who feel unable to travel to an in-person exam or who prefer this format. Three online exams are going to be available, taking place in March, April and May. This therefore means there are seven opportunities to sit the Palacky University examination with Medical Doorway in 2021.
Students can apply for these examinations using our Czech Central Application Portal. From that point on, the Medical Doorway team will help students all the way to enrolment. All applicants will get access to our unique Czech Test Prep system. Furthermore, you will have our support in securing a Czech Republic student visa (now required for all UK citizens) and getting settled in Olomouc. Successful applicants will also be able to attend our bespoke Czech Republic Pre-Departure Briefing.
Study Medicine or Dentistry at Palacky University in Olomouc with Medical Doorway.
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Medical Doorway hosts a series of FREE webinars for students, parents and college counsellors. Sign up and find out how to take your first steps to a career in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine.
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